Um Método Automático de Geração de Terrenos 3D para Jogos Low-poly

  • Jam Sávio da Conceição UFAL
  • Jadson Lúcio dos Santos UFAL
  • Rodolfo Cavalcante UFAL


The creation of 3D maps plays a fundamental role in the process of building a game. This step usually takes a considerable time to complete, since adjustments in the land format are done manually by a graphic designer who loses considerable time defining the best format and structure for the created map. In this paper we present a method for automatic generation of 3D low-poly terrain from images, which although not of general purpose, can help the graphic designer in the rapid development of the land structure through drawings, which unlike the iterative manual process, can be done quickly.
Keywords: Computação Gráfica, Processamento Digital de Imagens, Simulação, Visão Computacional


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DA CONCEIÇÃO, Jam Sávio; DOS SANTOS, Jadson Lúcio; CAVALCANTE, Rodolfo. Um Método Automático de Geração de Terrenos 3D para Jogos Low-poly. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL ON COMPUTING OF BAHIA, ALAGOAS, AND SERGIPE (ERBASE), 20. , 2020, Arapiraca-AL. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 99-108.