Instrumento de medição para pessoas com deficiência visual

  • Rafael Carvalho UFRB
  • Ysaac Cerqueira UFRB
  • Camila Oliveira UFRB
  • João Carvalho UFRB


It is estimated that more than 580 thousand people have visual impairment in Brazil. Despite the emergence of various technologies to support people with disabilities, called Assistive Technologies, those with visual impairment still face several limitations in activities of daily living. This work focuses on the development of an adapted length measuring instrument so that blind or low vision people can obtain length measurements in an autonomous way. Using analog sensors, a retractable tape and a vocal circuit integrated in a common microcontrolled platform, a prototype was developed that has relatively low cost and reasonable precision (less than 3 mm) obtained in the tests performed.


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CARVALHO, Rafael; CERQUEIRA, Ysaac; OLIVEIRA, Camila ; CARVALHO, João. Instrumento de medição para pessoas com deficiência visual. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL ON COMPUTING OF BAHIA, ALAGOAS, AND SERGIPE (ERBASE) , 2019, Ilhéus. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 113-118.