Estudo de caso sobre o processamento de consultas com a engine FederatedX

  • Samuel L. B. Bispo UEM
  • Raqueline R. M. Penteado UEM


This article presents a case study on the federated query processing in the FederatedX engine of the MariaDB DBMS. The central focus of the study was query optimization, specifically the minimization of the execution time. The study considered two aspects: i) the definition of the logical model, and ii) the data indexing mechanism. The study’s results demonstrated that the definition of the logical model was crucial in reducing processing time, while the same was not observed about indexing.


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BISPO, Samuel L. B.; PENTEADO, Raqueline R. M.. Estudo de caso sobre o processamento de consultas com a engine FederatedX. In: REGIONAL DATABASE SCHOOL (ERBD), 18. , 2023, Palmas/PR. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 126-129. ISSN 2595-413X. DOI: