Application for breast cancer classification using Computational Intelligence techniques

  • Manoel Oliveira UFC
  • Felipe Muniz UFC
  • Ruann Farrapo UFC


In this work, a comparative study was carried out between two classification methods: The Multi layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLP ANN) and the method of classification of the Nearest Neighbors, used in the classification of the diagnosis of breast cancer. The data used in this work were taken from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and contains numerical data extracted from mammography images.In addition, the results were evaluated based on the cross-validation strategy.


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OLIVEIRA, Manoel; MUNIZ, Felipe; FARRAPO, Ruann. Application for breast cancer classification using Computational Intelligence techniques. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE COMPUTAÇÃO DO CEARÁ, MARANHÃO E PIAUÍ (ERCEMAPI), 8. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 96-108. DOI: