Enhancing Scalability and Performance in Distributed Systems: Analyzing Locking Mechanisms in HA Key-Value Stores

  • Nivardo A. L. Castro IFCE
  • Cidcley T. Souza IFCE
  • A. Wendell O. Rodrigues IFCE


Distributed systems are fundamental to the landscape of modern computing, serving as foundation of applications from large-scale cloud infrastructures to distributed databases. These systems face intricate challenges in maintaining data integrity and managing concurrent processes across decentralized environments. Among the mechanisms devised to navigate these complexities, distributed locking stands out as a pivotal strategy for orchestrating resource access among multiple nodes, ensuring operational coherence and data consistency. This paper addresses the mechanisms of distributed locking within the context of key-value storage systems, which are celebrated for their straightforwardness and high scalability. Our investigation encompasses an analysis of both blocking and non-blocking strategies for resource acquisition, enlightening the balance between securing exclusive access to resources and minimizing latency to enhance user experience and system efficiency. Additionally, we survey the scalability challenges that emerge as the system expands, evaluating how these mechanisms scale across an increasing number of nodes and operations. The study probes into performance bottlenecks that often manifest in distributed environments, identifying strategies to mitigate these constraints while maintaining high throughput and responsive systems. Moreover, we focus on the critical aspects of consistency and latency, exploring architectural and algorithmic solutions designed to harmonize the two, thereby facilitating a seamless and efficient distributed operation. Benchmarking evaluations are presented, incorporating metrics such as throughput, latency, and scalability, providing insightful findings that contribute to the broader understanding of distributed systems coordination, offering valuable guidance for system designers and developers.


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CASTRO, Nivardo A. L.; SOUZA, Cidcley T.; RODRIGUES, A. Wendell O.. Enhancing Scalability and Performance in Distributed Systems: Analyzing Locking Mechanisms in HA Key-Value Stores. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE COMPUTAÇÃO DO CEARÁ, MARANHÃO E PIAUÍ (ERCEMAPI), 12. , 2024, Parnaíba/PI. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 149-158. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/ercemapi.2024.243712.