Search-based Test Data Generation for Mutation Testing: a tool for Python programs

  • Matheus Ferreira UTFPR
  • Lincoln Costa UTFPR
  • Francisco Carlos Souza UTFPR


Test data generation for mutation testing consists of identifying a set of inputs that maximizes the number of mutants killed. Mutation Testing is an excellent test criterion for detecting faults and measuring the effectiveness of test data sets. However, it is not widely used in practice due to the cost and complexity to perform some activities as generating test data. Although test suites can be produced and selected manually by a tester this practice is susceptible to errors and tools are needed to facilitate it. Several tools have been developed to automate mutation testing, but, only a few address the test data generation. The present paper proposes an automated test data generation tool based on weak mutation for Python programming language using the Hill Climbing algorithm. For evaluation, we performed an experiment concerning the effectiveness and cost computational of the tool in a database composed of 348 mutants and we compare it with random generation. Overall, the experiment achieved an average mutation score of 86% for our proposed tool and random testing 64% on average.
Palavras-chave: mutation testing, test data generation, hill climbing algorithm


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FERREIRA, Matheus; COSTA, Lincoln; SOUZA, Francisco Carlos. Search-based Test Data Generation for Mutation Testing: a tool for Python programs. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (ERES), 4. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 116-125. DOI: