A Unified Feature Model for Scrum Artifacts from a Literature and Practice Perspective

  • Luciano A. Garcia UEM
  • Edson OliveiraJr UEM
  • Gislaine Camila L. Leal UEM
  • Marcelo Morandini USP


Scrum has become one of the most popular Agile methods. Among its main elements are its artifacts. These artifacts are related to the requirements required for the software and how they will be worked on during a Scrum interaction called Sprint. Given the importance of artifacts in the Scrum structure, evidence of the adaptations of these artifacts was collected with the aid of a systematic mapping study and a survey literature with practitioners of the method. Later, we systematized the evidence of adaptations found and built models of features in order to register them and enable users of the methods to have a broader understanding of the features that Scrum artifacts can assume.
Palavras-chave: Scrum, Adaptations, Systematic Mapping Study, Survey, Feature Model


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GARCIA, Luciano A.; OLIVEIRAJR, Edson; LEAL, Gislaine Camila L.; MORANDINI, Marcelo. A Unified Feature Model for Scrum Artifacts from a Literature and Practice Perspective. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (ERES), 4. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 296-305. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/eres.2020.13740.