Linear recognition of a minimum Stable Tree partition in P4-tidy graphs

  • Fábio Júnior UFF
  • Uéverton Souza UFF
  • Raquel Bravo UFF
  • Rodolfo Alves de Oliveira UFF


In this work we consider the problem of finding a set of vertices S minimum of a graph P4-tidy G, such that the subgraph induced by G n S is a tree and S is a stable set. It was showed that this problem is NP-complete for general graphs in Brandstädt et al. 1998. We present an algorithm for finding a minimum set S in P4-tidy graphs based on a characterization by minimal forbidden subgraphs. Through the analysis of the algorithm, we prove that this optimization problem can be solved in linear time.

Keywords: Grafos, algoritmo de reconhecimento, Otimização


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JÚNIOR, Fábio; SOUZA, Uéverton; BRAVO, Raquel; DE OLIVEIRA, Rodolfo Alves. Linear recognition of a minimum Stable Tree partition in P4-tidy graphs. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL ON INFORMATICS OF RIO DE JANEIRO (ERI-RJ), 3. , 2019, Niterói. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 25-28.