Compilation of Certified Code for Reo Models

  • Erick Grillo UFF
  • Bruno Lopes UFF


Critical Systems are systems which require high reliability and are present in a wide variety of domains. Should they fail, serious problems can occur, resulting in financial loss and even deaths. Standard software engineering techniques does not suffice in guaranteeing the required level of reliability. Reo is a graphical modelling language based in coordination which focuses on model system interaction by means of common primitives in distributed systems. Constraint Automata are defined as primitive formal semantics for Reo, providing means to reason about and prove properties of Reo models. The present work describes a formalization of Constraint Automata in Coq proof assistant, regarding its main formalisms, including a compositional operation.

Keywords: Sistemas críticos, Engenharia de software, Modelagem gráfica, Reo, Constraint Automata


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GRILLO, Erick; LOPES, Bruno. Compilation of Certified Code for Reo Models. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL ON INFORMATICS OF RIO DE JANEIRO (ERI-RJ), 3. , 2019, Niterói. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 29-32.