Analyzing the Impact of Voice Data Replication on Machine Learning Models for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis
This study examines the effect of voice data replication on machine learning models for Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis. Using a dataset of 80 individuals, we compare two evaluation scenarios: treating voice samples as independent and considering the source individual when composing training and test sets. Results show that treating replicated samples as independent leads to inflated performance metrics, highlighting the importance of properly handling intra-individual variability in PD diagnosis models.
Parkinson's disease, machine learning, data replication, intra-individual variability, diagnosis
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Idrisoglu, A., Dallora, A. L., Anderberg, P., and Berglund, J. S. (2023). Applied Machine Learning Techniques to Diagnose Voice-Affecting Conditions and Disorders: Systematic Literature Review. J Med Internet Res, 25:e46105.
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Como Citar
CHAGAS, Ana Luísa B.; S. LOBO, Pedro L.; FELIX, Juliana P.; DO NASCIMENTO, Hugo A. D.; SALVINI, Rogerio.
Analyzing the Impact of Voice Data Replication on Machine Learning Models for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE INFORMÁTICA DE GOIÁS (ERI-GO), 12. , 2024, Ceres/GO.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 263-264.