Analyzing and Comparing DNS Lookup Tools in Python

  • José C. C. Pinto UFRGS
  • Eder J. Scheid UFRGS
  • Muriel F. Franco UFRGS
  • Lisandro Z. Granville UFRGS


The performance of Domain Name System (DNS) resolvers is crucial, as the majority of the communication in the Internet starts with a DNS lookup to resolve a domain an IP address to reach the desired content. In this sense, the academia has been devoted to measure and analyze the performance of DNS resolvers using different tools. However, such tools might present different results due to their implementation and affect the measurements. Hence, this paper provides an analysis and comparison of there different DNS lookup tools employed in the literature and discuss the impact of the tool selection.


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All links visited on 25/09/2023
PINTO, José C. C.; SCHEID, Eder J.; FRANCO, Muriel F.; GRANVILLE, Lisandro Z.. Analyzing and Comparing DNS Lookup Tools in Python. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE REDES DE COMPUTADORES (ERRC), 20. , 2023, Porto Alegre/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 49-54. DOI: