Developing a Set of Design Patterns Specific for the Design of User Interfaces for Autistic Users

  • Dayanne Gomes UFMA
  • Nathasha Pinto UFMA
  • Aurea Melo UEA
  • Ivana Maia IFMA
  • Anselmo Paiva UFMA
  • Raimundo Barreto UFAM
  • Davi Viana UFMA
  • Luis Rivero UFMA


In software development for people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it is necessary to consider specific design aspects that enable the use of web and mobile applications by such users. However, only a small part of current websites and applications is adequately designed considering the needs of these users. In this paper, we extracted quality user interface attributes regarding autistic users from guidelines found in human computer interaction literature. Based on these attributes, and through the analysis of real applications specifically designed for autistic users found in Brazil, we created new design patterns presenting practitioners with problems, solutions and examples in order to support the development of more appropriate user interfaces for ASD users. We evaluated these patterns from the point of view of practitioners involved in caring for autistic people and software engineers working in projects for autistic end-users. The results provide indicators of the usefulness and understandability of the proposed patterns, while allowing to identify improvement opportunities in their description. By providing a new set of user interface design patterns, we aim to contribute to the development of more accessible mobile and web applications for users with ASD.
Palavras-chave: design patterns, interfaces, autism, ASD, accessibility
GOMES, Dayanne; PINTO, Nathasha; MELO, Aurea; MAIA, Ivana; PAIVA, Anselmo; BARRETO, Raimundo; VIANA, Davi; RIVERO, Luis. Developing a Set of Design Patterns Specific for the Design of User Interfaces for Autistic Users. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO SOBRE FATORES HUMANOS EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (IHC), 20. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 .