Characterizing instance hardness in classification and regression problems

  • Gustavo P. Torquette Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Victor S. Nunes Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronáutica
  • Pedro Y. A. Paiva Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronáutica
  • Lourenço B. Cunha Neto Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronáutica
  • Ana C. Lorena Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronáutica


Some recent pieces of work in the Machine Learning (ML) literature have demonstrated the usefulness of assessing which observations are hardest to have their label predicted accurately. By identifying such instances, one may inspect whether they have any quality issues that should be addressed. Learning strategies based on the difficulty level of the observations can also be devised. This paper presents a set of meta-features that aim at characterizing which instances of a dataset are hardest to have their label predicted accurately and why they are so, aka instance hardness measures. Both classification and regression problems are considered. Synthetic datasets with different levels of complexity are built and analyzed. A Python package containing all implementations is also provided.


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Como Citar
TORQUETTE, Gustavo P. et al. Characterizing instance hardness in classification and regression problems. Anais do Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning (KDMiLe), [S.l.], p. 178-185, nov. 2022. ISSN 2763-8944. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 14 maio 2024. doi: