SmartCart Project: Adding Intelligence to Shopping Carts

  • Carlos Eduardo Bezerra Mendes Silva UFPE
  • Marcos Eduardo Araújo de Lima UFPE
  • Thiago José Alves de Souza UFPE
  • João Pedro Mafaldo de Paula UFPE
  • Marcondes Ricarte da Silva Júnior UFPE
  • João Marcelo Xavier Natário Teixeira UFPE


The retail sector has been experiencing a transformation in which the incorporation of technologies into the shopping process is becoming increasingly common, aiming to provide a better experience for consumers. In this context, this paper seeks to propose a solution that uses embedded hardware in shopping carts to enhance the shopping experience, primarily speeding up the payment process by allowing customers to scan the barcodes of desired products without having to face long queues. It also aims to provide a supermarket map, indicating the current position of the cart. To achieve these objectives, computer vision was used to recognize QR codes attached to the ceiling. Following this methodology, satisfactory results were obtained, with paths for improvement and possible changes to be made in the project to achieve greater accuracy in estimating the cart’s location.
Palavras-chave: Indoor localization, embedded computer vision, artificial intelligence of things


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SILVA, Carlos Eduardo Bezerra Mendes; LIMA, Marcos Eduardo Araújo de; SOUZA, Thiago José Alves de; PAULA, João Pedro Mafaldo de; SILVA JÚNIOR, Marcondes Ricarte da; TEIXEIRA, João Marcelo Xavier Natário. SmartCart Project: Adding Intelligence to Shopping Carts. In: CONGRESSO LATINO-AMERICANO DE SOFTWARE LIVRE E TECNOLOGIAS ABERTAS (LATINOWARE), 20. , 2023, Foz do Iguaçu/PR. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 83-87. DOI: