CatchML - A Language for Modeling and Verification of Context-Aware Exception Handling Behaviour

  • Rafael de Lima UFC
  • Lincoln S. Rocha UFC
  • Rossana M. C. Andrade UFC
  • Valeria Lelli UFC


The context-aware exception handling (CAEH) is an error recovery technique employed to improve the ubiquitous software robustness. The design of CAEH is a difficult and error-prone task. The erroneous specification of such conditions represents a critical design fault that can lead the CAEH mechanism to behave erroneously or improperly at runtime. To deal with this problem, we propose a domain-specific language for modeling CAEH, called CatchML, using a high-level interface to make the design of CAEH models simpler and more intuitive. The CatchML language is integrated into a tool to allow designers to perform automatic model verifications by looking at the errors directly in the specification code. We conducted a case study on a sample system called UbiParking with nine volunteers. The results showed that the CatchML language is easy to model the context-aware exception handling and also allowed the participants to quickly locate the injected design faults.


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DE LIMA, Rafael; S. ROCHA, Lincoln; M. C. ANDRADE, Rossana; LELLI, Valeria. CatchML - A Language for Modeling and Verification of Context-Aware Exception Handling Behaviour. In: WORKSHOP EM MODELAGEM E SIMULAÇÃO DE SISTEMAS INTENSIVOS EM SOFTWARE (MSSIS), 1. , 2019, Salvador. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 49-58. DOI: