Open scientist in the wonderland: advocating for blockchain-based decentralized applications for science

  • Alcemir Rodrigues Santos UESPI


For too long now, centralized publication governance, unrewarded efforts for reviewing and editing high quality research have been on the spot. In this vision paper, we promote the idea of shifting the research communities collaboration and knowledge sharing towards blockchain-based decentralized platforms. Such changes have the power to fulfill several requirements for open science from the starting point.


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SANTOS, Alcemir Rodrigues. Open scientist in the wonderland: advocating for blockchain-based decentralized applications for science. In: WORKSHOP DE PRÁTICAS DE CIÊNCIA ABERTA PARA ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (OPENSCIENSE), 1. , 2021, Joinville. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 34-36. DOI: