FAIR: Fully-Adaptive Framework for Improving Resource Provisioning in Collaborative CPU-FPGA Cloud Environments

  • Michael Guilherme Jordan UFRGS
  • Guilherme Korol UFRGS
  • Mateus Beck Rutzig UFSM
  • Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck UFRGS


Cloud Warehouses have been exploiting CPU-FPGA collaborative environments to accelerate multi-tenant applications to achieve scalability and maximize resource utilization. However, resource provisioning is challenging in these environments since kernels may be dispatched to CPU and FPGA concurrently in a scenario with highly variant workloads and demands. The provisioning complexity is further aggravated due to diverse CPU and FPGA architectures being used at Cloud Warehouses (e.g., different FPGA/CPU devices between nodes). That means that the resource manager needs to consider the workload to be allocated and the characteristics of the Cloud infrastructure, which can be non-uniform. This paper shows that efficient resource provisioning in CPU-FPGA cloud environments requires different strategies depending on the demand, architecture, and workload. To provide the best use of resources in this complex environment, we propose FAIR, a Fully-Adaptive approach for Improving Resource provisioning in Collaborative CPU-FPGA Cloud. FAIR is end user-transparent and, in contrast to existing approaches, exploits the benefits of multiple provisioning strategies by dynamically selecting the most appropriate depending on the warehouse needs, workload properties, and target architecture. Over a varied set of scenarios, FAIR significantly improves the performance and energy efficiency of the environment compared to the use of fixed single strategies. On average, FAIR provides 32% performance improvements over the use of the best fixed single strategy. Compared to an Oracle that always selects the best energy strategies, FAIR achieves only 3% energy degradation.
Palavras-chave: Degradation, Scalability, High performance computing, Collaboration, Computer architecture, Dynamic scheduling, Energy efficiency, collaborative, CPU-FPGA, energy, cloud
JORDAN, Michael Guilherme; KOROL, Guilherme; RUTZIG, Mateus Beck; BECK, Antonio Carlos Schneider. FAIR: Fully-Adaptive Framework for Improving Resource Provisioning in Collaborative CPU-FPGA Cloud Environments. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD), 33. , 2021, Belo Horizonte. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 147-156.