Performance Portability of XL HPF Compiler on IBM SP2 and SMP Multiprocessors

  • Abderrazek Zaafrani Motorola Labs
  • Xinmin Tian Intel Microcomputer Software Labs


High Performance Fortran (HPF) is a data-parallel programming language that allows the programmer to specify the data decomposition onto the processors while the compiler takes care of the tedious tasks of communication generation and computation partitioning. Shifting some of the complex tasks from the user to the compiler should encourage programmers to write and port code to parallel machines especially if the compiler implements these tasks efficiently. In this paper, performance results and analysis of a subset of the SPEC92 is presented for the XL HPF compiler on IBM SP2 machines. In addition to obtaining good performance from the compiler, one of the the main concerns of HPF users is portability. Experimental results and analysis are presented in this paper to investigate performance portability (consistency) first across multiprocessor architectures and then across compilers. For performance portability across multiprocessor machines, the same XL HPF compiler used for the IBM SP2 distributed memory machine experiment is also used to compile and execute the same applications but on IBM SMP machines. The comparable speedup and behaviour obtained for both machines indicates that HPF compilers can be portable across different architectures. For performance portability across compilers, various HPF programming techniques and recommendations are introduced to increase the chances of obtaining performance consistency with different HPF compilers.

Palavras-chave: HPF, performance, portability, compiler, SPMD, distributed memory, shared memory


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ZAAFRANI, Abderrazek; TIAN, Xinmin. Performance Portability of XL HPF Compiler on IBM SP2 and SMP Multiprocessors. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD), 11. , 1999, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1999 . p. 17-24. DOI: