Process Prefetching for a Simultaneous Multithreaded Architecture

  • Ronaldo A. L. Gonçalves UFRGS
  • Rafael L. Sagula UFRGS
  • Tiarajú A. Diverio UFRGS
  • Philippe O. A. Navaux UFRGS


Traditional superscalar architectures shall eventually prove incapable of taking full advantage of billions of transistors to be available in the future generations of microprocessors if they remain limited by dataflow dependencies. Thus, SMT (Simultaneous Multithreaded) architccture may be a possiblc solution to this problem, as far as it can fctch and execute a great deal of instruction flows and at the same time hiding both high latency operations and data dependencies. But this capability of SMT architecture depends on the existence of multithreaded applications and on some effective fetching instruction mechanism that will guarantee the presence of ready threads in the L1 i-cache to be used throughout context switching. SEMPRE (Superscalar Execution ofMultiple PRocEsses) is a type of SMT architecture which makes use of various processes to be found in today's operating systems developed to supply instructions to its SMT pipeline. This paper proposes and evaluates an effectual mechanism that prefetches instructions from awaiting processes in order to guarantee adequate context switching. An analytical model of such a mechanism was developed through using DSPN (Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets) and the results have shown that its use improves the dispatch width by 25% when realistic parameters are used. This method reduces the problem of cache degradation (present on many SMT architectures) and tolerates L2 delays of up to 9 cycles in some cases without the loss of performance.

Palavras-chave: SMT, Prefetch, Modeling


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GONÇALVES, Ronaldo A. L.; SAGULA, Rafael L.; DIVERIO, Tiarajú A.; NAVAUX, Philippe O. A.. Process Prefetching for a Simultaneous Multithreaded Architecture. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD), 11. , 1999, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1999 . p. 59-66. DOI: