Using Riscs on Digital Signal Processing

  • Eduardo B. Wanderley Netto CEFET-RN
  • Celso L. Mendes INPE
  • Osamu Saotome ITA


RISC processors have proved to be efficient for processing general purpose tasks. Recently, RISCs have been successfully used also on some Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications. This work shows how a generic RISC processor (DLX) performs on DSP algorithms, in comparison to a conventional digital signal processor, the TMS- 320C25. As a contribution of this work, we propose and evaluate a RISP (RISC dedicated for DSP) processor: dbcdsp. To measure performance, we use DSP kernels with simulators of the three processors. Our simulation results show that slight modifications on modern, general purpose RISCs can promote better performance for some kernels, even in comparison to a dedicated processor.


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WANDERLEY NETTO, Eduardo B.; MENDES, Celso L.; SAOTOME, Osamu. Using Riscs on Digital Signal Processing. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD), 8. , 1996, Recife. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1996 . p. 99-108. DOI: