Performance Analysis of a Strategy to Distribute And-work and Or-work in Parallel Logic Programming Systems

  • Inês de Castro Dutra UFRJ


This paper studies the performance of Andorra-I, a parallel logic programming system that exploits and-parallelism and or-parallelism with a novel strategy to distribute and-work and or-work among processors. The strategy, work-guided guides it’s decisions by looking at the amount of current and-work and or-work avaliable in an application during execution. The scheduler decision strategy moves workers from one parallel task to another according to the tasks sizes. Results show that the work-guided strategy works quite well and produces better results than the ones produced with a version of Andorra-I that does not a flow dynamic migration of workers during execution. We believe that this strategy can be applied to other parallel logic programming systems that aim to exploit both and-and or-parallelism in a single framework.

Palavras-chave: and-or scheduling, and-or parallelism, logic programming, parallelism, Andorra-I, performance evaluation


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DUTRA, Inês de Castro. Performance Analysis of a Strategy to Distribute And-work and Or-work in Parallel Logic Programming Systems. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD), 7. , 1995, Canela. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1995 . p. 449-463. DOI: