Avaliação do U-Net em Clusters com Rede Myrinet

  • Paulo A. Geromel USP
  • Sergio T. Kofuji USP


Clusters of computers and workstations interconnected by high speed networks are widely used in high performance computing. Although high speed networks have the best latency and throughput, these features are not properly used by conventional communication protocol implementations. A possible solution for such a problem is found in Light-Weight Protocols. These protocols are stated in a User-Level aproach, where the communication tasks are directly processed in user space, instead of being processed inside operating system kernel, using a communication library. This paper evaluates the perfonnance of the U-Net protocol. Using computer platforms with Intel Pentium processors interconnected by a Myrinet Network, features like latency, throughput and concurrency support are evaluated. The results from lhese evaluations indicate that applying light-weight protocols is a proper way to use features available in new network technologies.

Palavras-chave: Light-weight Protocols, U-Net Protocol, Myrinet Network


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GEROMEL, Paulo A.; KOFUJI, Sergio T.. Avaliação do U-Net em Clusters com Rede Myrinet. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD), 10. , 1998, Búzios/RJ. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1998 . p. 119-128. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbac-pad.1998.22667.