To Derive or Not to Derive: I/O Libraries Take Charge of Derived Quantities Computation

  • Ana Gainaru Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Norbert Podhorszki Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Liz Dulac Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Qian Gong Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Scott Klasky Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Greg Eisenhauer Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Antonios Kougkas Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Xian-He Sun Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Jay Lofstead Sandia National Laboratory


The ever-increasing volume of data produced by HPC simulations necessitates scalable methods for data exploration and knowledge extraction. Scientific data analysis often involves complex queries across distributed datasets, requiring manipulation of multiple primary variables and generating derived data that needs to be handled efficiently, creating challenges for applications that need to parse many large datasets. Relying on individual applications to handle all intermediate data generally leads to redundant computations across studies and unnecessary data transfers. In this paper, we investigate the performance of different approaches where applications define derived variables as quantities of interest (QoIs) and offload the computation and transfer of these QoIs to the I/O library. This significantly reduces redundancy and optimizes data movement across the distributed storage and processing infrastructure by allowing control over when and where derived variables are computed. We present a detailed analysis of the performance-storage trade-offs associated with different solutions and showcase results for our study on two large-scale datasets created from climate and combustion simulations.
Palavras-chave: Analytical models, Solid modeling, Computational modeling, High performance computing, Redundancy, Distributed databases, Process control, Libraries, Data models, Meteorology, Large-scale I/O, Derived Variables, HPC Analysis, Queries for Scientific Data, HPC Quantities of Interest
GAINARU, Ana et al. To Derive or Not to Derive: I/O Libraries Take Charge of Derived Quantities Computation. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD), 36. , 2024, Hilo/Hawaii. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 105-115.