Mapping Tasks onto Heterogeneous Computing Systems

  • Howard Jay Siegel Purdue University
  • Muthucumaru Meheswaran Purdue University


The goal of this invited tutorial paper is to provide an overview of three current research efforts in heterogeneous computing that focus on methods for determining a mapping of an application onto a heterogeneous suite of machines. The first study involves a genetic-algorithm approach for mapping the subtasks of an application task onto the machines in a distributed heterogeneous system. This is a static compile-time approach that must be used off-line (prior to task execution) due to its long run time. The second topic is the high-level design of components of an intelligent operating system for mapping and dynamically remapping automatic target recognition tasks onto a heterogeneous parallel platform. The intelligent operating system uses a new technique for dynamically selecting new mappings on-line during task execution from among choices precomputed off-line. Last, some initial preliminary results from a new research project for designing a dynamic mapping heuristic that does not use precomputed mappings is described. This dynamic heuristic is fast and is suitable for operation during application execution. Future research directions are discussed for all three projects.

Palavras-chave: automatic target recognition, distributed computing, genetic algorithms, heterogeneous computing, mapping, matching, MSHN, parallel processing, scheduling


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SIEGEL, Howard Jay; MEHESWARAN, Muthucumaru. Mapping Tasks onto Heterogeneous Computing Systems. In: TUTORIAIS - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD), 9. , 1997, Campos do Jordão/SP. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1997 . p. 3-17. DOI: