Initial Evidence for Understanding the Relationship between Product Line Architecture and Software Architecture Recovery

  • Crescencio Rodrigues Lima Neto IFBA
  • Mateus Passos Soares Cardoso UFBA
  • Christina Von Flach Garcia Chavez UFBA
  • Eduardo Santana De Almeida UFBA


Context: Over the years, the interest on software architecture recovery has increased. Due to software product line inherent complexity, the recovery of product line architecture is crucial to alleviate difficulties and enable benefits during the SPL development. Objective: In order to gather data and evidence about the relationship between product line architecture and software architecture recovery, (Method:) we performed a literature survey using some steps of systematic literature review method and an exploratory study. Results: We identified the appearance of more elaborated studies over the years and the majority of solution proposals are used to recover the architecture from legacy systems source code to provide the SPL reference architecture. Conclusion: Most of the studies presented solution proposal combined with case studies. But, only a few of them address empirical evaluation. With the software architecture recovery evolution, more research combining recovery of product line architecture and empirical evaluation still necessary.
Palavras-chave: Computer architecture, Software architecture, Programmable logic arrays, Proposals, Market research, Data mining, Software product lines, Software Product Lines, Software Reuse, Software Architecture, Survey
LIMA NETO, Crescencio Rodrigues; CARDOSO, Mateus Passos Soares; CHAVEZ, Christina Von Flach Garcia; ALMEIDA, Eduardo Santana De. Initial Evidence for Understanding the Relationship between Product Line Architecture and Software Architecture Recovery. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPONENTES, ARQUITETURAS E REUTILIZAÇÃO DE SOFTWARE (SBCARS), 9. , 2015, Belo Horizonte/MG. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2015 . p. 40-4.