A Flexible Model-Driven Game Development Approach

  • Ely Fernando do Prado UFSCar
  • Daniel Lucredio UFSCar


Game developers are facing an increasing demand for new games every year. Game development tools can be of great help, but require highly specialized professionals. Also, just as any software development effort, game development has some challenges. Model-Driven Game Development (MDGD) is suggested as a means to solve some of these challenges, but with a loss in flexibility. We propose a MDGD approach that combines multiple domain-specific languages (DSLs) with design patterns to provide flexibility and allow generated code to be integrated with manual code. After experimentation, we observed that, with the approach, less experienced developers can create games faster and more easily, and the product of code generation can be customized with manually written code, providing flexibility. However, with MDGD, developers become less familiar with the code, making manual codification more difficult.
Keywords: Games, Cameras, Prototypes, Engines, Vehicles, DSL, Software, Model-Driven Game Development, Code Generation
PRADO, Ely Fernando do; LUCREDIO, Daniel. A Flexible Model-Driven Game Development Approach. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE COMPONENTS, ARCHITECTURES, AND REUSE (SBCARS), 9. , 2015, Belo Horizonte/MG. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2015 . p. 130-139.