Identifying Narrative Contexts in Brazilian Popular Music Lyrics Using Sparse Topic Models: A Comparison Between Human-Based and Machine-Based Classification

  • André Dalmora University of Campinas
  • Tiago Tavares University of Campinas


Music lyrics can convey a great part of the meaning in popular songs. Such meaning is important for humans to understand songs as related to typical narratives, such as romantic interests or life stories. This understanding is part of affective aspects that can be used to choose songs to play in particular situations. This paper analyzes the effectiveness of using text mining tools to classify lyrics according to their narrative contexts. For such, we used a vote-based dataset and several machine learning algorithms. Also, we compared the classification results to that of a typical human. Last, we compare the problems of identifying narrative contexts and of identifying lyric valence. Our results indicate that narrative contexts can be identified more consistently than valence. Also, we show that human-based classification typically do not reach a high accuracy, which suggests an upper bound for automatic classification. narrative contexts. For such, we built a dataset containing Brazilian popular music lyrics which were raters voted online according to its context and valence. We approached the problem using a machine learning pipeline in which lyrics are projected into a vector space and then classified using general-purpose algorithms. We experimented with document representations based on sparse topic models [11, 12, 13, 14], which aims to find groups of words that typically appear together in the dataset. Also, we extracted part-of-speech tags for each lyric and used their histogram as features in the classification process.

Palavras-chave: Computational Musicology, Music Information Retrieval


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DALMORA, André; TAVARES, Tiago. Identifying Narrative Contexts in Brazilian Popular Music Lyrics Using Sparse Topic Models: A Comparison Between Human-Based and Machine-Based Classification. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPUTAÇÃO MUSICAL (SBCM), 17. , 2019, São João del-Rei. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 17-21. DOI: