Combining Effects in a Music Programming Language based on Patterns

  • Andre Du Bois Federal University of Pelotas
  • Rodrigo Ribeiro Federal University of Ouro Preto


HMusic is a domain specific language based on music patterns that can be used to write music and live coding. The main abstractions provided by the language are patterns and tracks. Code written in HMusic looks like patterns and multi-tracks available in music sequencers, drum machines and DAWs. HMusic provides primitives to design and combine patterns generating new patterns. The objective of this paper is to extend the original design of HMusic to allow effects on tracks. We describe new abstractions to add effects on individual tracks and in groups of tracks, and how they influence the combinators for track composition and multiplication. HMusic allows the live coding of music and, as it is embedded in the Haskell functional programming language, programmers can write functions to manipulate effects on the fly. The current implementation of the language is compiled into Sonic Pi [1], and we describe how the compiler’s back-end was modified to support the new abstractions for effects. HMusic can be and can be downloaded from [2].

Palavras-chave: Music Expressiveness, Music Formats, Data Structures and Representation, Software Systems and Languages for Sound and Music


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DU BOIS, Andre; RIBEIRO, Rodrigo. Combining Effects in a Music Programming Language based on Patterns. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPUTAÇÃO MUSICAL (SBCM), 17. , 2019, São João del-Rei. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 106-113. DOI: