Comparing Meta-Classifiers for Automatic Music Genre Classification

  • Vítor Shinohara University of Campinas
  • Juliano Foleiss Federal Technological University of Paraná
  • Tiago Tavares State University of Campinas


Automatic music genre classification is the problem of associating mutually-exclusive labels to audio tracks. This process fosters the organization of collections and facilitates searching and marketing music. One approach for automatic music genre classification is to use diverse vector representations for each track, and then classify them individually. After that, a majority voting system can be used to infer a single label to the whole track. In this work, we evaluated the impact of changing the majority voting system to a meta-classifier. The classification results with the meta-classifier showed statistically significant improvements when related to the majority-voting classifier. This indicates that the higher-level information used by the meta-classifier might be relevant for automatic music genre classification.

Palavras-chave: Music Information Retrieval


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SHINOHARA, Vítor; FOLEISS, Juliano; TAVARES, Tiago. Comparing Meta-Classifiers for Automatic Music Genre Classification. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPUTAÇÃO MUSICAL (SBCM), 17. , 2019, São João del-Rei. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 131-135. DOI: