LCM-Ufrgs Research Group Report: What are we doing in Computer Music?

  • Marcelo Pimenta Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Rodrigo Schramm Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Marcelo Johann Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


In this paper, we present a historical overview and a brief report of the main recent activities at LCM (Laboratório de Computação Musical) of UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul).

Palavras-chave: Digital Sound Processing, Music Information Retrieval


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Carroll, J. (ed.) Creativity and Rationale - Enhancing Human Experience by Design Human–Computer Interaction Series, 2013, VIII, 456p. ISBN 978-1-4471- 4110-5.

Essl, G.; Rohs, M.: Interactivity for Mobile Music- Making, Organised Sound 14(2): 197–207, 2009

Flores, L.V., Pimenta, M.S., Keller, D.: Patterns for the design of musical interaction with everyday mobile devices. In: Proc. of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2010), 2010. v.1. p.41 – 50

Flores, L.V.; Miletto, E. M.; Pimenta, M. S.; Miranda, E. R.; Keller, D.: Musical interaction patterns: communicating computer music knowledge in a multidisciplinary project. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Design of Communication, SIGDOC 2010, Sao Carlos, ACM, 2010. p.199 – 206

Flores, L.V.; Pimenta, M. S.; Miranda, E. R.; Radanovitsck, E. A.; Keller, D.: Patterns for the Design of Musical Interaction with Everyday Mobile Devices In: (IHC 2010) IX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2010, Belo Horizonte, v.1. p.41 – 50

Gaye, L.; Holmquist, L.E.: Mobile music technology: Report on an emerging community. In: NIME 06: Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, pp. 22–25 (2006)

Holmquist, L.E.: Ubiquitous music. Interactions 12(4), 71 ff. (2005).

Keller, D.; Flores, L.V.; Pimenta, M.; Capasso, A.; Tinajero, P.: Converging Trends Toward Ubiquitous Music. Journal of New Music Research, v. 40:3, p.265 - 276, 2011. [ 2011.594514

Keller, D.; Otero, N.; Lazzarini, V.; Pimenta, M. S.; Lima, M.H. de; Johann, M.; Costalonga, L.: Interaction Aesthetics and Ubiquitous Music In: Creativity in the Digital Age.1 ed. London: Springer London, 2015, v.1, p. 91-105. ISBN: 9781447166801,

Keller, D.; Lazzarini, V.; Pimenta, M. S.: Ubiquitous Music. Heidelberg: Springer Intl. Publishing Switzerland, 2014, v.1. p.153.

Keller, D.; Queiroz, M.; Barreiro, D.L.; Pimenta, M. S.: Anchoring in Ubiquitous Musical Activities In: International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2010, New York.

Lazzarini,, V.; Keller, D.; Pimenta, M. S.: Prototyping of Ubiquitous Music Ecosystems. Journal of Cases on Information Technology., v.17, p.73 - 85, 2015.

Lima, M.H.; Keller, D.; Pimenta, M.S.; Lazzarini, V.; Miletto, E.M.: Creativity-centred design for ubiquitous musical activities: Two case studies. J. Music Technol. Educ. 5(2), 195–222 (2012). doi:10.1386/jmte.5.2.195_1.

McLuhan, M.; 1954, Notes on the Media as Art Forms. Explorations 2 (April): 6-13.

Miletto, E. M.; Pimenta, M. S.; Vicari, R. M.; Flores, Codes, L.V.: a Web-based environment for cooperative music prototyping. Organised Sound (Print)., v.10, p.243 - 253, 2005.

Miletto, E. M.; Pimenta, M.; Hoppe, A. F.; Flores, L.V.: Who Are the Web Composers? In: Proc. of 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2009), 2009, San Diego, Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. v.12. p.381 – 390

Miletto, E.M.; Flores, L.V.; Pimenta, M.S.; Rutily, J.; Santagada, L.: Interfaces for musical activities and interfaces for musicians are not the same: The case for codes, a web-based environment for cooperative music prototyping. In: 9th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), pp. 201–207. ACM, Nagoya (2007)

Miletto, E.M.; Pimenta, M.S.; Bouchet, F.; Sansonnet, J.P.; Keller, D.: Principles for music creation by novices in networked music environments. J. New Music Res. 40(3), 205–216.

Pimenta, M. S.; Miletto, E.M.; Flores, L.V.; Hoppe, A. F.: Cooperative mechanisms for networked music. Future Generation Computer Systems., v. 27, p.100 - 108, 2011.

Pimenta, M.; Keller, D.; Lazzarini, V.: Prologue - Ubiquitous Music: A Manifesto, In: Keller, D.; Lazzarini, V.; Pimenta, M. S.: Ubiquitous Music. Heidelberg: Springer Intl.Publishing Switzerland, 2014, v.1, p.153

Rogers, Y.; Sharp, H.; Preece, J.: Interaction Design – Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, Wiley, 3rd ed, 2011. ISBN 978-0-470-66576-3.

Scheeren, F.; Pimenta, M. S.; Keller, D.; Lazzarini, V.: Coupling Social Network Services and Support for Online Communities in CODES Environment. In: 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013), 2013, Curitiba.

Wanderley, M. et al.: Human Computer Interaction meets Computer Music: The MIDWAY Project. Workshop Music and HCI, in conjunction with ACM CHI 2016, pp.4.

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Behrendt, F.: From calling a cloud to finding the missing track: Artistic approaches to mobile music. In: 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Music Technology. Vancouver, Canada (2005)

Carroll, J. (ed.): Creativity and Rationale - Enhancing Human Experience by Design Human– Computer Interaction Series, 2013, VIII, 456p. ISBN 978-1-4471-4110-5.

Essl, G.; Rohms, M.: Interactivity for Mobile Music- Making, Organised Sound 14(2): 197–207, 2009

Flores, L.V.; Pimenta, M.S.; Keller, D.: Patterns for the design of musical interaction with everyday mobile devices. In: Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2010), 2010. v.1. p.41 - 50

Flores, L.V.; Miletto, E. M.; Pimenta, M. S.; Miranda, E. R.; Keller, D.: Musical interaction patterns: communicating computer music knowledge in a multidisciplinary project In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Design of Communication, SIGDOC 2010, Sao Carlos, ACM, 2010. p.199 - 206

Flores, L.V.; Pimenta, M. S.; Miranda, E. R.; Radanovitsck, E. A.; Keller, D.: Patterns for the Design of Musical Interaction with Everyday Mobile Devices In: (IHC 2010) IX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2010, Belo Horizonte, v.1. p.41 – 50

Miletto, E. M.; Pimenta, M. S.; Viccari, R. M.; Flores, L.V.: CODES: a Web-based environment for cooperative music prototyping. Organised Sound (Print)., v.10, p.243 - 253, 2005.

Miletto, E. M.; Pimenta, M.; Hoppe, A. F.; Flores, L.V.: Who Are the Web Composers? In: Proc. of 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2009), 2009, San Diego, Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. v.12. p.381 – 390

Miletto, E.M.; Flores, L.V.; Pimenta, M.S.; Rutily, J.; Santagada, L.: Interfaces for musical activities and interfaces for musicians are not the same: The case for codes, a web-based environment for cooperative music prototyping. In: 9th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), pp. 201–207. ACM, Nagoya (2007)

Miletto, E.M.; Pimenta, M.S.; Bouchet, F.; Sansonnet, J.P.; Keller, D.: Principles for music creation by novices in networked music environments. J. New Music Res. 40(3), 205–216. (2011). doi:10.1080/09298215.2011.603832

Gaye, L., Holmquist, L.E.: Mobile music technology: Report on an emerging community. In: NIME 06: Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, pp. 22–25 (2006)

Pimenta, M. S.; Miletto, E.M.; Flores, L.V.; Hoppe, A. F.: Cooperative mechanisms for networked music. Future Generation Computer Systems., v.27, p.100 - 108, 2011.

Holmquist, L.E.: Ubiquitous music. Interactions 12(4), 71 ff. (2005).

Pimenta, M.; Keller, D.; Lazzarini, V.: Prologue - Ubiquitous Music: A Manifesto, In: Keller, D.; Flores, L.V.; Pimenta, M.; Capasso, A.; Tinajero, P.: Converging Trends Toward Ubiquitous Music. Journal of New Music Research., v.40:3, p.265 - 276, 2011. [ 2011.594514

Keller, D.; Otero, N.; Lazzarini, V.; Pimenta, M. S.; Lima, M.H.; Johann, M.; Costalonga, L.: Interaction Aesthetics and Ubiquitous Music In: Creativity in the Digital Age.1 ed.London : Springer London, 2015, v.1, p. 91-105. ISBN: 9781447166801,

Keller, D.; Lazzarini, V.; Pimenta, M. S.: Ubiquitous Music. Heidelberg: Springer Intl. Publishing Switzerland, 2014, v.1. p.153.

Keller, D.; Queiroz, M.; Barreiro, D.L.; Pimenta, M. S.: Anchoring in Ubiquitous Musical Activities In: International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2010, New York.

Lazzarini,, V.; Keller, D.; Pimenta, M. S.: Prototyping of Ubiquitous Music Ecosystems. Journal of Cases on Information Technology., v.17, p.73 - 85, 2015.

Lima, M.H.; Keller, D.; Pimenta, M.S.; Lazzarini, V.; Miletto, E. M.: Creativity-centred design for ubiquitous musical activities: Two case studies. J. Music Technol. Educ. 5(2), 195–222 (2012). doi:10.1386/jmte.5.2.195_1.

McLuhan, M.: 1954, Notes on the Media as Art Forms, Explorations 2 (April): 6-13.

Rogers, Y.; Sharp, H.; Preece, J.: Interaction Design – Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, Wiley, 3rd ed, 2011. ISBN 978-0-470-66576-3.

Scheeren, F.; Pimenta, M. S.; Keller, D.; Lazzarini, V.: Coupling Social Network Services and Support for Online Communities in CODES Environment. In: 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013), 2013, Curitiba.

Wanderley, M. et al.: Human Computer Interaction meets Computer Music: The MIDWAY Project. Workshop Music and HCI, in conjunction with ACM CHI 2016, pp.4.

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Rodolfo P. P.; Johann, M.; Pimenta. M.: Design and implementation of an open-source subtractive synthesizer on the Arduino Due platform. In: SBCM 2017.
PIMENTA, Marcelo; SCHRAMM, Rodrigo; JOHANN, Marcelo. LCM-Ufrgs Research Group Report: What are we doing in Computer Music?. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPUTAÇÃO MUSICAL (SBCM), 17. , 2019, São João del-Rei. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 181-188. DOI: