O Chaos das 5

  • Flávio Luiz Schiavoni Federal University of São João del-Rei
  • Adilson Siqueira
  • Rogério Tavares Constante
  • Igino de Oliveira Silva Junior Federal University of São João del-Rei
  • Thiago de Andrade Morandi
  • Fábio dos Passos Carvalho
  • João Teixeira Araújo Federal University of São João del-Rei
  • André Lucas Nascimento Gomes Federal University of São João del-Rei
  • Frederico Ribeiro Resende Federal University of São João del-Rei
  • Luísa Lugon-Moulin Brazil Santos
  • Avner Maximiliano de Paulo Federal University of São João del-Rei
  • Carlos Eduardo Oliveira de Souza
  • Allyson da Cruz Rodrigues
  • Igor Alves Estevam Andrade Federal University of São João del-Rei
  • Aneliza Rodrigues Prado
  • Patrick Veniali da Silva
  • João Lucas Ruas Teixeira
  • Aretha Brito de Lima
  • Bruna Guimarães Lima e Silva
  • Ívyla Nascimento Silva
  • Wanderson Andre Martins Pereira
  • Rafael Gomes de Oliveira
  • Octávio Ferreira Deluchi Cerqueira da Silva
  • Valdir de Siqueira Santos Junior
  • Matteo Vinicius Alves Recinella


“O Chaos das 5” is an audiovisual digital performance. The guideline of the performance is inspired by Alice, from Lewis Carroll book - Alice in the Wonderland, as a metaphor to take the audience to a synthetic and disruptive wonder world. The concept of the performance is to conceive the possibility to the audience to interact through digital interfaces creating an immersive and participatory experience by combining three important layers of information (music, projections and gestures) through their cellphones. Once that the audience members take part of the show on an immersive aspect, there is no stage or another mark to limit the space of the performers and the audience.

Palavras-chave: Computational Musicology, Movement and Gesture, Music, Society and Technology


Lewis Carroll. Alice Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.

Vilem Flusser. O Mundo Codificado (Em Portuguese do Brasil). Cosac & Naify, 2007.

Nick Collins, Alex McLean, Julian Rohrhuber, and Adrian Ward. Live coding in laptop performance. Organised sound, 8(3):321–330, 2003.
SCHIAVONI, Flávio Luiz et al. O Chaos das 5. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPUTAÇÃO MUSICAL (SBCM), 17. , 2019, São João del-Rei. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 227-228. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbcm.2019.10457.