Assist-Pro: Um Assistente Baseado em Conhecimento para Apoiar a Definição de Processos de Software

  • Ricardo de Almeida Falbo UFRJ / UFES
  • Crediné Silva de Menezes UFES
  • Ana Regina C. da Rocha UFRJ


An important requirement for software quality is to define a software development process. However, software process definition is a complex activity that requires intensive use of knowledge. So, it is worth to offer knowledge-based support to this activity. In this paper we present Assist-Pro, a knowledge-based assistant to aid software engineers to define software processes. We also discuss its development process using knowledge components available in a Knowledge Server.


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FALBO, Ricardo de Almeida; MENEZES, Crediné Silva de; ROCHA, Ana Regina C. da. Assist-Pro: Um Assistente Baseado em Conhecimento para Apoiar a Definição de Processos de Software. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 13. , 1999, Florianópolis/SC. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1999 . p. 126-141. DOI: