Model-Checking Processes with States: An Industrial Case Study

  • Alexandre Mota UFPE
  • Augusto Sampaio UFPE


ln this paper we present a formal specification of part of the SACI-1 microsatellite on-board computer whose development is led by the Brazilian Space Research Institute (INPE). The specification is written in CSP-Z, a specification language that integrates CSP (which allows one to focus on the concurrent aspects of the application) and Z (for modeling the relevant data structures). We also describe a strategy for model-checking processes with states (developed by the authors) and its implementation using the FOR model-checker. Finally, using this tool, we carry out an automatic proof that the SACI-1 specification is deadlock-free.

Palavras-chave: Model-Checking, Formal Methods, Industrial Case Study, Verification, Tools, Concurrent and Model-Based Specifications


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MOTA, Alexandre; SAMPAIO, Augusto. Model-Checking Processes with States: An Industrial Case Study. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 12. , 1998, Maringá/PR. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1998 . p. 23-36. DOI: