An Experience in Building an Object-Oriented Prototype of an Advanced Hypertext System

  • Silvio Meira UFPE
  • Eduardo Albuquerque UFPE
  • José Fernando Tepedino UFPE


We discuss the design and construction of a Hypertext System (H) in the framework of object-oriented programming. The work also shows the pros and cons of the programming paradigm —from beginner to specialist levels— as observed from the practical point of view of building (and modifying) a complex system. The hypertext system used as example has an interest of its own, because of its visions, versions and mail capability among others, and is further detailed in the body of the paper.

Palavras-chave: Hypertext, Object-Oriented Programming, Rapid Prototyping


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MEIRA, Silvio; ALBUQUERQUE, Eduardo; TEPEDINO, José Fernando. An Experience in Building an Object-Oriented Prototype of an Advanced Hypertext System. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 4. , 1990, Águas de São Pedro/São Paulo. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1990 . p. 150-168. ISSN 2833-0633. DOI: