Undergraduates' perspective on a pedagogical architecture to requirements engineering education

  • Thalia S. Santana UFG
  • Taciana N. Kudo UFG
  • Renato F. Bulcao-Neto UFG


The literature has revealed the misalignment between higher education and professional practice in Requirements Engineering (RE). An alternative approach to mitigate this problem is adopting a pedagogical architecture (PA), which structures and diversifies the pedagogical practice of RE theory. This paper presents the evaluation of a PA to the education on requirements specification and validation. Undergraduate students of three RE classes at a Brazilian public university experimented and evaluated, through a survey, the PA’s lesson plans, teaching materials, and practical activities. From the analysis of 153 responses, we have shown that a PA to RE education can contribute to aligning RE knowledge and essential hard and soft skills for graduating future requirements analysts.

Palavras-chave: teaching, requirements validation, requirements specification, pedagogical architecture, learning
SANTANA, Thalia S.; KUDO, Taciana N.; BULCAO-NETO, Renato F.. Undergraduates' perspective on a pedagogical architecture to requirements engineering education. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 37. , 2023, Campo Grande/MS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 422–431.