Most common errors in software modeling using UML

  • Patricia Chourio
  • Romualdo Azevedo
  • Alberto Castro
  • Bruno Gadelha


This article adresses recurrent errors in software modeling made by students from Software Engineering courses. Software Modeling teachers and related literature agrees that there are certain patterns on errors made by students, although there is no detailed description of them. In this context, we evaluated 2 editions of Requirements Engineering and Systems Analysis of a Software Engineering course with a total of 41 students. Based on this analysis, student errors instances were compared with those found through a literature review, especially the ones involving text interpretation and abstraction difficulties, given these are essential skills for designing and representing models. Our results include a list of most common software modeling errors along with a description of each one, and the resulting catalog can support teachers who seek to develop techniques using error as a mediating instrument for teaching and learning as well as a fundamental resource to reduce them.



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CHOURIO, Patricia; AZEVEDO, Romualdo; CASTRO, Alberto; GADELHA, Bruno. Most common errors in software modeling using UML. In: EDUCATION - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (SBES), 33. , 2019, Salvador. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 .