Gravitational Task Model Based Bandwidth Compression Algorithm for Adaptive Resource Management

  • Raphael Guerra Univ. Kaiserslautern
  • Gerhard Fohler Univ. Kaiserslautern


Adaptive resource management uses resource allocation mechanisms to guarantee a minimum availability of required resources to applications.In this paper, we propose an intuitive and low overhead (linear complexity) bandwidth compression algorithm.Low overhead is necessary for on-line deployment and intuition provides for easy understanding of the solution.The resource allocation is proportional to the resource demand and importance of applications, hence providing for fairness and increased overall quality of service (QoS).Our compression algorithm is optimal and we present a qualitative analysis of the intuition, which is based on an analogy with pendulum systems.


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GUERRA, Raphael; FOHLER, Gerhard. Gravitational Task Model Based Bandwidth Compression Algorithm for Adaptive Resource Management. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (SBESC), 1. , 2011, Florianópolis. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2011 . p. 133-138. ISSN 2237-5430.