A comprehensive review of task offloading in edge computing

  • Marcos P. Konzen Instituto Federal Farroupilha / Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Arthur F. Lorenzon Universidade Federal do Pampa
  • Marcelo C. Luizelli Universidade Federal do Pampa
  • Fábio D. Rossi Instituto Federal Farroupilha
  • Júlio C. B. Mattos Universidade Federal de Pelotas


Nowadays, mobile applications are demanding compute-intensive use, in addition to the need for lower latency and lower computational costs. Thus, researchers are proposing to bring the computation of these applications closer to the users by offloading these applications to the Edge. In this work, we carried out a comprehensive literature review with the primary objective of investigating the offloading strategies used in the Edge Computing scenario, which restrictions are considered, and the security aspects considered by the strategies. From the selected works, we describe the main optimization objectives of the strategies, which models and algorithms were implemented, which computational constraints were considered, which types of applications, and the security requirements. Finally, we discussed some opportunities and open challenges.
Palavras-chave: Edge computing, offloading strategies, task offloading


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KONZEN, Marcos P.; LORENZON, Arthur F.; LUIZELLI, Marcelo C.; ROSSI, Fábio D.; MATTOS, Júlio C. B.. A comprehensive review of task offloading in edge computing. In: TRABALHOS EM ANDAMENTO - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (SBESC), 12. , 2022, Fortaleza/CE. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 62-67. ISSN 2763-9002. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbesc_estendido.2022.228130.