Procedural Enemy Generation through Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm


This research presents a Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm (PEA) that generates enemies with diverse characteristics, such as the enemy’s health, weapons, and movement. Our PEA aims to create enemies matching their difficulty degrees with the difficulty goal given as input parameter. We designed our algorithm in this way to be future used in an online adaptive generation system. We experimented with a set of generated enemies with an Action-Adventure game prototype as a testbed. The results show that players evaluated our approach positively, successfully creating enemies considered easy, medium, or hard to face, as defined by their original fitness’ target value. Besides, the players found the game fun to play for all difficulty levels played, and the perceived challenge rose as the PEA fitness was higher. In terms of performance results, our PEA converged into the input solution in less than a second for most cases, denoting its future use in online adaptive applications

Palavras-chave: enemy generation, procedural content generation, video games, parallel evolutionary algorithm


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PEREIRA, Leonardo T.; VIANA, Breno M. F.; TOLEDO, Claudio F. M.. Procedural Enemy Generation through Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 20. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 126-135.