ESG+P Evolution: A Videogame Proposal for Teaching the New ESG Concept

  • Miguel Nascimento UFRJ
  • Gabriel Nascimento UFRJ
  • Marcus Parreiras UFRJ
  • Marcos Magalhães UFRJ
  • Geraldo Xexéo UFRJ


This article presents a proposal for a digital game that aims at teaching sustainability concepts. With technological advances, the use of digital games as a form to keep students engaged in learning a new topic has become a viable possibility to facilitate teaching. The game simulates the management of a company, in which the player must make decisions pertaining to Environmental, Social, Governance, and People dimensions. The purpose of this game is to teach students real concepts of organization sustainability through its narrative and gameplay.
Palavras-chave: Educational Games, ESG P, Sustainability


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NASCIMENTO, Miguel; NASCIMENTO, Gabriel; PARREIRAS, Marcus; MAGALHÃES, Marcos; XEXÉO, Geraldo. ESG+P Evolution: A Videogame Proposal for Teaching the New ESG Concept. In: TRILHA DE ARTES & DESIGN – ARTIGOS CURTOS - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 22. , 2023, Rio Grande/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 258-263. DOI: