The Skills Stimulated by Integrating Contents of Production Management in Higher Education in Engineering by Adapting ‘The Paper Airplane Factory’ Game

  • Marcele Elisa Fontana UFPE
  • Vilmar Santos Nepomuceno IFPE
  • Lucas Trajano de Freitas Almeida UFPE


The professional of the future needs to have a set of behavioral (soft) and technical (hard) skills, but traditional teaching prioritizes hard skills. This article sets out to promote the integration of production management subject content into higher education in the field of engineering by adapting the game called “The Paper Airplane Factory”, and understand which skills were stimulated by the game in the perception of the students involved. As result, the game was shown to be suitable for contributing towards developing the skills and competencies of future engineers, such as: (1) analytical thinking and innovation, (2) active learning and learning strategies, (3) critical thinking and analysis, (4) creativity, originality and initiative and (5) leadership and social influence, of which four are considered soft skills.

Palavras-chave: higher education, skills, hard, soft


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FONTANA, Marcele Elisa; NEPOMUCENO, Vilmar Santos; ALMEIDA, Lucas Trajano de Freitas. The Skills Stimulated by Integrating Contents of Production Management in Higher Education in Engineering by Adapting ‘The Paper Airplane Factory’ Game. In: TRILHA DE EDUCAÇÃO – ARTIGOS COMPLETOS - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 22. , 2023, Rio Grande/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 957-966. DOI: