Using Software Engineering and Agile Methods to Improve Inclusion and Team Diversity


Agile Methodologies have brought insights into how to develop software by focusing on individuals and relationships, and valuing diversity teams. Moreover, only professional diversity is considered, where different skills and knowledge facilitate self-sufficiency and consequently self-performance. However, the concept of diversity goes beyond this perspective. In this context, this paper aims at identifying the main techniques that allow an open concept of social inclusion and diversity in agile software development teams and propose any necessary adaptations to help absolute diversity. In order to do so, techniques found in the literature review were presented to experts, (i) within the software development industry and working under agile methodologies and (ii) with disabilities or people who coordinate teams with people with disabilities. The results show techniques to promote inclusion in agile teams, including Daily Meeting, Pair Programming, Review, Retrospective, Effort Estimating, Workshop, and Code Challenges. Despite the use of these techniques, specific tools, knowledge of sign language and inattention to make an environment suitable for professionals to feel confident and empowered are the main challenges faced by agile teams with people with disabilities.
Palavras-chave: Agile Methods, Software Engineering, Human Aspects, People with Disabilities, People with Special Needs
SILVA, Anderson Mateus; SAMPAIO, Suzana C. B.; MARINHO, Marcelo L.M.. Using Software Engineering and Agile Methods to Improve Inclusion and Team Diversity. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DE SOFTWARE (SBQS), 19. , 2020, São Luiz do Maranhão. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 244-253.