Progressive Outcomes: is it a handy approach to support agile methods process improvement?

  • Rafaela Mantovani Fontana PUCPR / UFPR
  • Sheila Reinehr PUCPR
  • Andreia Malucelli PUCPR


While software engineering relies on reference models, such as CMMI-DEV, to improve its processes and gain maturity; agile teams that wish to sustain agility demand other guidelines to drive improvements. To address this need, in a previous study we have proposed the Progressive Outcomes Framework as a result of a research about how real agile teams evolve in agility. Although we could describe agile maturing mechanisms, we lacked a perception of how handy out approach would be to guide improvements. The objective of this study was, thus, to identify agile practitioners’ perception about the framework. We performed a survey with agile practitioners in Brazilian conferences and analyzed collected data using descriptive statistics. Results show that agile practitioners feel comfortable in following non- prescriptive guidelines, but they still lack guidance on how to improve in agility.
Palavras-chave: Progressive Outcomes, agile methods, Software process


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FONTANA, Rafaela Mantovani; REINEHR, Sheila; MALUCELLI, Andreia. Progressive Outcomes: is it a handy approach to support agile methods process improvement?. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DE SOFTWARE (SBQS), 14. , 2015, Manaus. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2015 . p. 94-106. DOI: