Towards Role Definition in Agile AI-based System Development: Perspectives and Reflections
With the evolution of AI, software engineering practices must adapt to the unique demands of AI-based systems, ranging from standalone intelligent agents to complex machine learning applications in fields like healthcare and autonomous vehicles. This paper investigates the roles required for AI-based system development from literature and professionals’ perception and how we can integrate these roles with Scrum teams focusing on intelligent agents for multi-agent systems, pattern recognition systems, and evolutionary computation for optimization problems. Initially, a integrative review was conducted, and a survey was applied with 11 AI professionals allocated to different organizations. Our results indicate partial alignment of AI-based system development teams with existing literature regarding roles and responsibilities, highlighting the need for formalized collaborations.
Roles, Agile, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
Como Citar
SOUZA, Francisco Carlos Monteiro; SOUZA, Alinne Cristinne Corrêa; AMORIM, Bruno Faustino; CORDEIRO, Thiago Damasceno.
Towards Role Definition in Agile AI-based System Development: Perspectives and Reflections. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DE SOFTWARE (SBQS), 23. , 2024, Bahia/BA.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 220–230.