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2024: Companion Proceedings of the 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality

The Companion Proceedings of the 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS 2024) bring the papers selected and presented in the edition of the event held in Salvador/BA, Brazil, from November 05-08, 2024. This edition includes 04 papers from the Workshop on Theses and Dissertations in Software Quality (WTDQS 2024). These works were selected through a single-blind peer review process, from a total of 06 submissions, resulting in an acceptance rate of 66.7%. The program committee was coordinated by Bruno Gadelha (UFAM) and Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO), who organized this volume in collaboration with Ana Carolina Oran (UFAM), the publication chair for SBQS 2024. The articles in this volume were submitted on 08/12/2024, accepted for publication on 09/06/2024, with the final version submitted on 09/14/2024.

You can find more information about SBQS 2024 by visiting the website of the event.

Published: 2024-11-05

Workshop on Theses and Dissertations in Software Quality

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