The Autonomous Vehicle CELiNA as Educational Platform on Final Works in Computer Science

  • Alexsandra Andrade UESB
  • Roque Trindade UESB
  • Alzira Silva UESB
  • Luiz Gonçalves UFRN


This work introduces the design and construction of the autonomous vehicle CELiNA (Free Electric Car with Autonomous Navigation) qualitatively analyzing its use on educational experiences that have been carried out with Computer Science course students of the University of the Southwest of Bahia (UESB). As a result of its use, several works have been carried out in the course conclusion activity, which include the construction of the CELiNA prototype and other studies regarding robotic vision system and the control of CELiNA, itself. We discuss the educational gains that these UESB students have had at the end of the course, by way of using CELiNA in their completion work.
Palavras-chave: Educational robots, Autonomous vehicles, Robot sensing systems, Computer science, Autonomous robots
ANDRADE, Alexsandra; TRINDADE, Roque; SILVA, Alzira; GONÇALVES, Luiz. The Autonomous Vehicle CELiNA as Educational Platform on Final Works in Computer Science. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 16. , 2019, Rio Grande. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 411-416.