Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente baseado em blockchain: Um Desenho de Pesquisa Sociotécnico

  • Pamella Soares UECE
  • Allyson Allex Araújo UFC
  • Raphael Saraiva UECE
  • Rayane Santos UECE
  • Jerffeson Souza UECE


The Electronic Patient Record (EPR) has transformed how clinical information is managed. In this context, blockchain is particularly promising due to its capability to allow completely anonymous entities to form a network that stores reliable information, thus enabling the creation of new social spaces for collaborative systems. However, we identified a research gap regarding the understanding of the effect of blockchain's adoption in EPR in the light of collaborative constructs. Therefore, this paper presents a research design drawing from a socio-technical perspective for developing and evaluating a blockchainbased solution for EPR through which the patient can share the medical data with different entities in a secure way. In summary, we contribute by presenting a new methodological framework in the domain blockchain for health.


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SOARES, Pamella; ARAÚJO, Allyson Allex; SARAIVA, Raphael; SANTOS, Rayane; SOUZA, Jerffeson. Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente baseado em blockchain: Um Desenho de Pesquisa Sociotécnico. In: RESEARCH DESIGN - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COLLABORATIVE SYSTEMS (SBSC), 16. , 2021, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 13-18. DOI: