Analysis, Anti-Analysis, Anti-Anti-Analysis: An Overview of the Evasive Malware Scenario

  • Marcus Botacin UNICAMP
  • Vitor Falcão da Rocha UNICAMP
  • Paulo Lício de Geus UNICAMP
  • André Grégio UFPR


Malicious programs are persistent threats to computer systems, and their damages extend from financial losses to critical infrastructure attacks. Malware analysis aims to provide useful information to be used for forensic procedures and countermeasures development. To thwart that, attackers make use of anti-analysis techniques that prevent or difficult their malware from being analyzed. These techniques rely on instruction side-effects and that system's structure checks are inspection-aware. Thus, detecting evasion attempts is an important step of any successful investigative procedure. In this paper, we present a broad overview of what anti-analysis techniques are being used in malware and how they work, as well as their detection counterparts, i.e., the anti-anti-analysis techniques that may be used by forensic investigators to defeat evasive malware. We also evaluated over one hundred thousand samples in the search of the presence of anti-analysis technique and summarized the obtained information to present an evasion-aware malware threat scenario.


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BOTACIN, Marcus; ROCHA, Vitor Falcão da; GEUS, Paulo Lício de; GRÉGIO, André. Analysis, Anti-Analysis, Anti-Anti-Analysis: An Overview of the Evasive Malware Scenario. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SEGURANÇA DA INFORMAÇÃO E DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (SBSEG), 17. , 2017, Brasília. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017 . p. 250-263. DOI:

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