E-Sentry+: Um IDS Baseado em Rede com Suporte à Especificação em Alto Nível de Assinaturas de Ataque

  • Marlom Alves Konrath UNISINOS
  • Josué Sberb UFRGS
  • Eduardo Isaia Filho UFRGS
  • Luciano Paschoal Gaspary UNISINOS
  • Liane Tarouco UFRGS


The growth of the use of computer networks and the services supported by it ended up increasing the number of security incidents. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) have been used, in this context, to identify malicious activities such as scans and attacks. Signature-based IDSs require the description of such activities so that they can monitor their occurrence. Most of the systems, however, do not offer flexibility to this specification process and require the usage of low-level notations. This work presents an intrusion detection system, E-Sentry+, which addresses this problem by exploring a high-level language to signature representation.
Keywords: segurança de redes, sistemas de detecção de intrusão, assinaturas de ataques


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KONRATH, Marlom Alves; SBERB, Josué; ISAIA FILHO, Eduardo; GASPARY, Luciano Paschoal; TAROUCO, Liane. E-Sentry+: Um IDS Baseado em Rede com Suporte à Especificação em Alto Nível de Assinaturas de Ataque. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION AND COMPUTATIONAL SYSTEMS SECURITY (SBSEG), 2. , 2002, Búzios. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2002 . p. 95-102. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbseg.2002.21269.

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