Building a conceptual architecture and stakeholder map of a system-of-systems for disaster monitoring and early-warning: A case study in Brazil

  • Flávio E. A. Horita Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Donna H. Rhodes Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Thiago J. Inocêncio Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Gustavo R. Gonzales Universidade Federal do ABC


Monitoring systems are essential for prompt action in case of a disaster, as well as for understanding these systems as constituent systems within a System-of-Systems (SoS) can provide new and unique features that cannot be provided by any individual system separately. Furthermore, the identification of existing stakeholders also plays an important role, as constituent systems may be associated with multiple requirements. Therefore, this work presents two artifacts -a conceptual architecture and a stakeholder map - of a SoS for disaster monitoring and early-warning. A Design Science Research (DSR) within a Brazilian early-warning center has been conducted for designing and evaluating the artifacts. An artifact generalization approach has been also employed for generalizing the artifacts from a specific to a broader and generic scenario. Study findings showed that a SoS for disaster monitoring and early-warning should comprise nine constituents, which are used by four groups of stakeholders.
Palavras-chave: System-of-systems, Conceptual architecture, SoS architecture, Case study, Disaster monitoring and early-warning
HORITA, Flávio E. A. ; RHODES, Donna H.; INOCÊNCIO, Thiago J.; GONZALES, Gustavo R.. Building a conceptual architecture and stakeholder map of a system-of-systems for disaster monitoring and early-warning: A case study in Brazil. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO (SBSI), 15. , 2019, Aracajú. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 40-47.